The New Religious War

The Stealth War of the Hypocritical Secular Left

A serious effort is being made to invalidate religion and in particular, Christianity. Ironically, those responsible often claim to be neutral or “free from” religion. At the same time, they champion an alternate belief system with a moral code of their own. A system which, coincidentally, contains virtually every tenet of religious orthodoxy. So what are they? They are an insurgent religious voice of another kind! While they commit to barring your point of view, they subversively enshrine their own. Make no mistake—this is a Religious War.

Candy is Candy

The present effort against Christianity is fuelled by deceit and misdirection. Chief among them is the strategy to delegitimize your faith in the public square. The guilty pretend to be void of a religious viewpoint, while they usurp the moral code of Christianity for another with equally religious roots.

The tactic they use is like telling us not to eat candy, only to offer different candy as a substitute, then telling us theirs are not 'really' candy. All the while knowing their supposed replacement contains identical ingredients.

Like the adage says, ‘If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.’ If it contains the ingredients of candy, it is candy! You might want to call a chocolate bar a vegetable, but if it has sugar, peanuts and chocolate, guess what? 

Not Religious?

The political left would like to be known as simply cultural and political. But they cannot escape being categorically religious. How is that? To see it you only have to isolate the essence of religion. They would exclude themselves from the category because they have no identifiable diety. But religion is broader than the name of your god.

Religion communicates things like a worldview, a morality and a theory of existence, out of which purpose is devised. The implications are profound and numerous. For starters, it means that most economic and political theory cannot exist without a form of religion. Since, as we know as we know, politics are largely informed by our worldview and morality. Who among us does not have convictions emerging from these foundations?

When we assemble your morality, worldview, and theory of origin and purpose, we get a snapshot of your religion. The idea that religion requires ceremony or liturgy is erroneous. Everyone has a religion! It may not be systematized, but that does not make it any less religious.

Candy is candy!

A Sinister Defence

The so-called non-religious will go to great lengths distancing themselves from their faith, but they will all eventually tip their hand. For example, an argument often heard from them is the suggestion all paths lead to God, and are therefore equally valid. This they do while pretending to be unbiased and religion-free. Oddly enough this statement is itself a theological premise–therefore, inherently religious.

But such is the hypocrisy of the enemies of Christ who shroud their real motives behind pretend objectivity. These zealots display detachment, as a bargain shopper postures indifference while negotiating a lower price. In time their true colours will eventually surface.

For while their message presents as void of religion nothing could be further from the truth. The secular left is, despite their claims, through and through religious from top to bottom. Unsurprisingly, deflection and deceit are central to their strategy.

The Real Agenda

Opponents of Christianity conveniently assert the irrelevance of religion as it relates to public policy and life. But their real agenda is another morality, rooted in another religion. This begs the question: Why not engage in clear open dialogue? Why not indeed? Simply put, the chaff cannot contend with the wheat.

Since they cannot engage in honest dialogue, their only hope is to thin the pack. By clearing the field of competitors, the religious left plans to ascend to preeminence through uncontested acclamation. This is historically typical of totalitarian regimes. 

Yet the vilest part of their agenda is not what they wish to take from Christianity, but what they wish to deny about themselves. Mainly, the religious nature of their irreligious position.

A Religious Foundation?

Let's be clear about what is happening. The religious left is simply unable to compete on equal ground. They would prefer to relabel their views to never be required to defend their positions.

In formal debate, beliefs are countered by other beliefs. Consider any other discipline. When an argument is made against a philosophical position, it is automatically considered a philosophical argument. Likewise, arguments against a religious position are at the foundation of religious arguments.

Philosophies are countered by other philosophies, theories are opposed by other theories and religions defend against other religions.

Subverting a religious idea, by definition requires a categorically 'religious' idea. Pretending to be 'not religious’ is nothing more than a charade.  As such, presenting a religious counterargument as 'not religious' invalidates the argument, and undermines the credibility of the arguer.

Stand your Ground! 

Our solution is to refuse to be intimidated by pseudo-intellectual arguments. Be confident that any belief system espousing a worldview, a theory of origin, a morality claiming inerrancy, and a zealous conversion agenda, is religious. It is free to exist, but it cannot claim sole legitimacy without a fair appraisal.

Religious freedom is about the freedom of choice. Our forefathers anticipated this day and guaranteed us freedom precisely to avoid this exact scenario! Make no mistake, any argument designed to invalidate a religious perspective must defend itself as an equal. So the next time someone dismisses your faith in favour of their own, stand your ground. 


Imminent Collision


Be Great In God