Be Great In God
Open Invitation to an Exclusive Membership
He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
– Mark 4:9
The manifestation of the Sons of God is near. These are the Dread Warriors—a class of uncompromising ‘overcomers’ committed to doing everything in God’s heart. Before you imagine an exclusive company of uniquely qualified candidates, pause for a second and insert yourself. You can be great in God! Though it is an exclusive group, it is not for the reasons most believe. The Father of Light is offering anyone who has ever felt excluded or unqualified, an epic opportunity to be part of a historic commissioning! That is if you have ears to hear.
Universally Exclusive
Holy Spirit desperately wants you to be included. In this world of haves and have-nots, He has created a singularly inclusive administration—a built-in feature of equal opportunity. As Paul said,
‘In Christ there is no longer any Jew, Greek, male or female’
- Galatians 3:28
This reference is all about inclusion. While this is not the same as equal outcomes, it means anyone who wants to enter... can.
In contrast to a world where barriers are often unsurpassable, we are being offered a unique opportunity. All that matters in God's world is your desire and obedience. No one can be held back against their will, such that where there seems to be no way, He will always make a way.
At this very moment, thousands upon thousands of volunteers are being prepared in secret. Away from the limelight of currently celebrated trends, personalities and fashions, people are in training. By the simplicity of their response to His voice, they are making themselves candidates to be chosen. Like a passionate musician practicing in the quiet of their bedroom, far from the notice of the world, God is preparing a generation.
This opportunity is a real version of the utopian dream socialism promises but cannot deliver—unparalleled equality. As such, no one is tied to traditional barriers... be it money, beauty, talent or breeding. Though we may not engage equally, the same opportunity is open to all without respect of person.
A Pure Hierarchy
Even so, the Kingdom of God overflows with differences and distinctions of all kinds. Jesus spoke of various gifts and anointing, as well as spheres of authority which included few or many cities. Far from being without tiers, His dominion is rife with distinctions so that inclusion is available, but not guaranteed.
So while there is a divine vetting system designed to sift and sort, it is open to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. All of which is directly overseen by the Just Judge of All. It makes the fear of illegitimate exclusion unnecessary.
Now we need to understand that this is a delicate pivot point between the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness. From the very beginning, we clearly see Satan accusing God of injustice. Since he, Lucifer, was excluded for just reasons, he now rails against the righteous standards of God. By sowing suspicion and distrust he attempts to create an alternate system of equality. However, any administration not built around God will always result in sameness without fairness. The best he can hope for is equal outcomes.
Equality of outcome is a fool’s substitute for actual equality––a shortsighted empty gesture equivalent to participation trophies. Like its political counterpart(Communism) this superficial effort will always create nothing more than shared misery. Neither is it representative of the Kingdom of God––not in the least. Even a casual read of the scriptures would bury this notion that God desires equality measured in sameness (Luke 19:15, Mark 10:40).
Transformation for All
Rather, the key difference between His Kingdom and the world we all know is expressed in the options available ‘to him who has ears to hear’. Transformational power is resident in His Word to change us into whatever we need to become. This is true justice!
As we have all heard and read, God is no respecter of persons. Which is another way of saying the rich and the famous have no advantage. No one jumps the queue by status, family name or bribery. Yet, there are still tiers, measures and spheres of authority, varying in glory and scope.
Yes! God’s Kingdom, like any kingdom, has an implied hierarchy. It begins with the Father Himself and extends to what Jesus termed ‘the least of these’. For some, this is a problem, as even the notion of hierarchy itself conjures images of injustice and oppression. But any hierarchy built on love and humility is not something to be feared.
The question then becomes ‘What exactly determines promotion?’
The Superiority of Love
At the absolute centre of God's Kingdom is a meritocracy rooted in God’s very nature—Love is preeminent! Love is the core of God’s being and is the ultimate eternal differentiator between us.
As John said...
“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”
— 1 John 4:7-11
Those who love will be exalted. Yet even the call to love is unattainable and beyond us all. Again heaven provides what we cannot furnish. John outlined it saying, ‘not that we loved God but He loved us’. It is not our capacity to love but our willingness to receive His love which determines our buy-in level. This is the Father’s heart available to anyone with ears to hear!
The infinite goodness of God has set an unachievable standard only to provide the entrance fee. Simply put, God has built an exclusive hierarchy around a commodity only He possesses, but then, He joyously shares it with all who truly want it.
Father’s Heart: The Path to Great
Having His heart secures your position in God’s Kingdom. This is the promise of equal access being offered to every living soul. As an unprecedented level of authority is presently being offered to the children of light, a Kingdom Juggernaut emerges. It is an impregnable force, impervious to the kingdom of darkness in unimaginable ways. Your participation is entirely in your hands...
He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
– Mark 4:9