Prophetic Word for 2020

A New Era with Expectations

In this year of 2020, the veil is being removed from the mystery of the Gospel. What has been hidden until now is being made known. Paul told us of the significance of his insight into the mystery, hinting at its depth and breadth. His gospel was the result of a divine unveiling, which we can expect to increase for us this year.

The Mystery is Known in 2020

It is a time to lean into what was given to Paul.

“For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for you Gentiles— if indeed you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which was given to me for you, how that by revelation He made known to me the mystery (as I have briefly written already, by which, when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ),”

Ephesians 3:1-4

What has been hidden is being revealed to the many. The full power latent in the gospel has yet to unfold, which will not only increase the breadth of conversion rates but significantly deepen the experience of the hearers.

This importance cannot be minimized. A specific angel of the Lord is sent to oversee the impartation of this Gospel.

‘Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people— saying with a loud voice, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.”

— Rev 14:6-7

This gospel will create a Fear of the Lord necessary to cleanse and purify the people of God. In as much as the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation, it will manifest the righteousness of God. The magnitude of that righteousness will startle many. It will cause us to turn away from self-righteousness with a violent fullness never seen in our lifetime.

The Year of Humility

The beauty of humility is also coming into view and with it access to the presence of the Lord in unheard-of measure.  As humility gives access to all who embrace her, many who were unknowingly held by God at arm’s length will draw near. We cannot forget that God by deliberate action resists the proud while He faithfully showers grace on the humble.  In turn, this grace opens a door of opportunity. 

The deep secret power and access to the Kingdom of Heaven afforded by humility will increase significantly. No longer mistaken for weakness... meekness will take on a glow... an attraction, a wonderful air and beauty that it deserves. 

Conversely, the empty facade of pride is also becoming clear. The fragility... the lack of substance... the arrogance and the presumptuous posturing innate to pride are beginning to be seen for what they truly are — a vapour. The worthless and temporary value of false appearances perpetuated in pride will be exposed. It gives way to an enduring expression which will not only have extreme longevity but is the very essence of what we term eternal.

An Emerging People

A people prepared in God’s secret place are emerging into the ‘seen’ place. They are not new but have been covered for a season by His hand. Their era of concealment is coming to a close. They will know who they are through the organic way influence increases in their spheres.  The evidence of their preparation will be the fruit of their dependency as their pseudo captivity has stripped them of ambition.

Many of these have been patiently waiting in a season of metamorphosis. They are being unveiled as they come out of their process. Even the definition of the word is significant. It means ‘a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.’

Even so, others are still in process and need to resist the toil of frustration and impatience. Premature birth is an unveiling we do not desire.  It will detract from our destiny by limiting the depth of God’s secret work. Like a lump of dough not fully leavened or a cake not thoroughly baked, an incomplete process may mean a change of purpose.  Wait patiently for the Lord Jesus to present us to His Church.

Not Business as Usual in 2020

While there is much more to write, particularly around a governmental aspect of God’s people, I will close with this. A new season means new etiquette. 

There are certain behaviours God winked at in former times which cannot be excused in the era we now enter.  This is the reason behind our pruning. Many attitudes and indulgences of the flesh from previous seasons cannot be tolerated in what is presently entering. 

We must be far more careful to walk softly.  Ambition cannot be given any quarter as we ought to be especially diligent to repent and resist it. The reasons are many but some of them are covered in this teaching available online in the following link. I would encourage all to listen!

All in all, this is perhaps the most exciting time of our lives. The days ahead of us are going to be more glorious than anything we have known, and even more than we have dreamt. All the more reason to give every effort to stewarding our gifts, opportunities and functions for the kingdom, and the glory of God.


Be Great In God


Eye Opening Revelations