Imminent Collision

The Unavoidable Clash between Christianity and Progressive Culture

A recent article by a Harvard professor tells us what many of us already suspected. Primarily the collision between two incompatible cultures is on the horizon. While Christians have patiently endured attacks on their faith and rights, forces are amassing determined utterly to destroy them. It’s time to realize the enemy is already at the gates! But the real question we want to get to is ‘How did this enemy go unnoticed?’

Approaching Clash

We were warned of persecution, so the idea of enemies of righteousness is not at all surprising.

“Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”

– 2 Timothy 3:12

Unfortunately, the sinister nature of the agenda has escaped notice. Not so much 'escaped' as ignored. Many have dismissed past threats as misunderstandings or unusual anomalies. Superficial goodwill was proof enough for many to view these as occasional blips. So they are written off as exceptions to an otherwise tolerant, though antagonistic voice.

Disappointingly, the tendency is to encourage more kindness – always the favourite cure-all to those with no appetite for a fight. Worse yet, disgruntled Christians have sided with the accusers claiming the problem would be averted if Churches would be nicer. While there is always something to be said for improvements, this issue goes far deeper. Regardless, whether willingly or ignorantly, what was obvious from the start is now undeniable.

Our enemies have begun to show their true faces. Where does it lead? We have only to look at the persecuted church throughout the nations, to see what is next without intervention and action.

It’s time to stop making excuses and get to the root of the problem. However, we each decide, that we had better not make the mistake of thinking that this developing hostility is an aberration. That kind of naive optimism was all too prevalent in pre-nazi Europe – it did not end well. The evidence cannot be clearer as now, even in prestigious academic circles, the serpent is raising its head.

Harvard Magazine

In this particular case, a Harvard Magazine article underscores the body of animosity perched against Christian and Conservative values. More to the point, it makes their intention clear. The article is another metaphorical ‘shot over the bow’, targeting those who dare to stand against the new progressive vision of this world. 

The patently outrageous insinuations express the intent to vilify homeschooling. Yes, the abortionists are concerned about our children.

Homeschooling happens to be a popular choice for families insulating against destructive philosophies common to the education system. The author denounces homeschooling as that which, “not only violates children’s right to a meaningful education and their right to be protected from potential child abuse, but may keep them from contributing positively to a democratic society.” Truly unbelievable!

A great response and a focused look at the article is available in the following link.

For our purposes, however, we want to brush past the article itself and ask a pointed question. When the enemy is already at the gate, one has to wonder how he got there. What disguise or camouflage enabled a hostile force to advance this far with so little opposition? At the very least it was an error of underestimation.

Underestimating Depravity

The Church has underestimated the depravity of fallen man. The result has been a tendency to take solace in the absence of outright violence, as though that were itself a virtue. We have been lulled into passive coexistence with a philosophy determined to annihilate us. But what kind of gullibility leads to this level of denial? The full answer might be multidimensional, but here is one key angle. The contemporary church has effectively dismissed the depravity of man and accepted civility and politeness as an adequate assurance of goodwill.

To be blunt, it is our blindness which has given opportunity to the enemy.  We have ignored the depth of darkness at the core of humanity contrary to Biblical teaching - something Jesus did not do! He was aware of mankind’s true condition, to the point that He was unmoved by any assurances of goodwill.

Ignoring empty gestures, He understood how the fallen were unable to comprehend their state. He resisted them even to the point of rejecting their effort to crown Him king. Why? He knew what lay in the hearts, even if they did not.

“But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all men, and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man.”

– John 2:24-25

He knew what was in mankind! In fact, much of his effort was designed to expose their fallen condition. This is consistent with His mission toward each of us.

There could be no false peace. No compromise for the sake of getting along, and he was unwilling to overlook anything. 'Giving people the benefit of the doubt' was not necessary as there was no doubt – He knew what was in man. Nothing less than the full unveiling of the gravity of their condition would do.

The Need for Revelation

So now the issue becomes 'Do we know what is in man?' Why are we so ready to ignore what Jesus knew to be the status quo? Are we better than Him? Clearly, some have assumed love is expressed in denying what Jesus refused to look past.

So how bad is it? The truth is anyone who has seen their own heart can never underestimate the fallenness of the human race. Once you have seen yourself in His mirror, no amount of transgression is surprising. This does not diminish our compassion, it does the opposite. Realizing your lack equips you for mercy and clarifies your mission.

Unfortunately, this does not define much of today's Church. We have become culturally insensitive to the need for repentance, as though unconvinced about the severity of man's corruption. How does one explain our departure from this truth? Unfortunately, it comes as a consequence of having little insight into our hearts. Which points to our true need. One glimpse into the righteousness of God will forever convince you of what the Apostle Paul knew all along. Mainly, that we were born with a nature so thoroughly void of redeemable qualities, it is described as entirely lost.

He said it this way.

“For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find.”

— Romans 7:18

Paul knew something many of today’s Christians fail to comprehend. It is the depth of our need for redemption. We don’t need moral adjustments or subtle tweaking to our dispositions. We need a profound turn, a jarring shift of direction beyond imagination. Nothing less will do! Our lack of appreciation of these truths has come at the cost of 'enemies at the gate', facing an imminent collision.

The Unintended Consequence

As a consequence, we have flirted with a kind of impossible and non-existent compatibility. The divide is deeper than we know. It led Paul to this question, “And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?“ (2 Corinthians 6:15) While the love of God compels us to bless and treat others with graciousness and kindness, we cannot assume reciprocity.

The onus is on us to see the conflict by being aware that progressive culture is neither tolerant nor compromising. If we understood man's fallen condition we would know this. Christianity and Progressive Culture are not compatible and we should be poised for impact.

It is only a matter of time before the thin but polite veneer of propriety and civility collapses. It’s time for us to wake up! The enemy is at the gate and we are responsible.

So what now? How do we bridge this gap? The point of the entire article is to create a desire within our hearts for the revelation Jesus and Paul possessed. We each need a clear insight into the abyss that is human flesh. There is no list of behaviours that can suitably replace a revelation of the heart. Lean into God for an entirely different view of both the world and your own being. Only this degree of raw truth will establish us on the path of redemption.

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

1 John 2:15-17


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