Leaders Lead
Leading from the Tip of the Spear
A great takeaway from the movie “We Were Soldiers” is the wonderful display of leadership. A memorable quote by Mel Gibson’s character is a highlight as he commits to ‘be the first to enter the field of combat and the last to leave it’. This motto summarizes the central role leaders play. Paying the price to be the tip of the spear is a must for leaders and is an adaptable truism for the believing community. When condensed it says, ‘leaders lead’.
Leadership in Battle
A classic image of men charging on horses into battle jumps to mind. Applied to us it paints a picture of valiant courage in spiritual conflict. Leaders are ordained to lead the charge. Of course with one key difference as we are without trenches, exploding artillery or enemy planes flying overhead. Equally dangerous but veiled. Though unseen, our enemies threaten to suppress us to the point that, if it were possible, they would destroy us entirely.
Breakthrough is truly a matter of life and death!
We face a continuous existential struggle. Though obscured by the trappings and peaceful surroundings of a church service, the war is very real. For which we must rise above the distracting spectre of religious sentimentality. However soothing these appendages might be, they are weapons and not inducements for the purposes of relaxation. Our gatherings are moments of spiritual engagement of the highest order, though only become so when recognized as such.
Without this awareness, we become inconsequential and easily immobilized. Unless leaders awaken the church to the battle, our placid posture becomes our undoing. In such cases, our enemies exert their will with hardly a whimper of objection from the righteous. Let me be clear. Demonic powers are adept at generating confusion and fabricating an incendiary atmosphere. They create explosive climates which ignite offence leading to division and skirmishes in our ranks. Our enemies make slumbering victims out of what ought to be vibrant soldiers. Our goal is to turn it all around with the presence of God.
Being Present and Engaged
Leaders are born for moments when kingdoms collide. Designed to rise as inspirational forces in these key windows, leaders boldly lead without any additional incentive besides the battle\'s urgency. Conscripting our considerable weight we heave ourselves headlong into battle. In the face of fatigue and infectious indifference, leaders must resolve to sacrificially do what is necessary to ‘open the room’ by sounding an alarm. Otherwise the weak are easily overwhelmed and neutralized.
Where and how does it begin? It can be a shout of victory or extravagant and selfless praise covered in reckless humility. Each expression becomes a chorus of sounds made significant by the boldness of committed and engaged leaders. We lead with our voices risking discomfort and embarrassment by being the first to break the silence and set direction. It is the call of leaders to unashamedly shake the room into an alerted state with the sound of conviction and urgent faith.
Our dedicated and focused faith is the instrumental tool for creating a space at regular services, conferences or small home gatherings. Just as breaches are made in enemy lines, we pry open path for others to follow. For this we have an array of weapons though none substitute for clear and courageous leadership.
Worship teams are vital in partnership with catalytic leaders. As the tip of the spear with them, God has designed us to be ‘way-makers’ in His stead. Everyone matters though there is no substitute for the tried and hardened faith of overcomers. We may tire or become inured into complacency by the repetitive nature of meetings, yet the demand of heaven is to rise for the purpose of breakthrough. Atmospheric supremacy is the first order of business in this arena.
Leadership Means Leading Out
True leaders embrace the call to be the first through the door. Heavy lifting, particularly of a spiritual sort, is not left to others. We must be the first to repent, the first to forgive, the first to make amends and the first to advance into battle. The prospect of waiting on others to create space and furnish a heavenly atmosphere is not an option. Leaders Lead!