Global Elitists are out of Their League
Globalist Elites have presumptuously assumed the job of fixing the earth. What a colossal mistake! Real visionary solutions cannot be found aside from God. Yet, elites driven by blinding pride and a spiritual darkness they cannot appreciate, continue to fan the flames of man’s destruction. Faith, on the other hand, opens a world of endless possibilities the faithless will never know. Don’t listen to the globalist elites as they are totally out of their league.
Bad Solutions
Global Elites have assigned themselves the role of the adjudicators for all human affairs. Nothing says self-importance like private jets, secret meetings and hobnobbing with fellow elites. What bold new vision do they present? The same tired narrative they always tout—a twisted version of conservation.
Recently the same ‘thinly disguised’ propaganda resurfaced from yet another privileged elite! Prince William, bemoaning challenges to wildlife proposed… you guessed it — The reduction of human activity.
The message is always the same; our generation has heard it since childhood. Mainly, the notion of catastrophic destruction if their emergency measures are not closely followed. The cause is also always the same–people. Not volcanoes, hurricanes, forest fires... just people. They dare not mention nature’s cycles unless they can be made to look like a ‘man-made’ event, which they do not hesitate to do again and again.
Now make no mistake, there are real concerns. No one is suggesting challenges are non-existent. Rather, their solutions are unthinkable!
Let me be straightforward! The complexities of massive birth rates in nations such as China, India, and Bangladesh, coupled with their poverty, are overwhelming. In addition, the pursuit for solutions for human suffering is a noble ideal. The real problem is they, and by they, I mean the globalist elites who have made themselves the saviours of the earth, have no real solutions.
Their strategies for saving the world always amount to nothing more than a shallow diagnosis of the problem — too many people. As such, they have only one option: to dispose of the problem. Except the problem is real people with real lives. Sadly, the main issue facing nations is not overpopulation, but a profound lack of faith.
The Price of Unbelief
The absence of faith means their ideas can never unlock the hidden genius of God. As the creator of all things He can, by simply opening His hand, supply the need of every living thing(Psalm 145:16). In that supply is a myriad of goodness, including an infinite variety of technologies and breakthroughs in knowledge.
Unbelief is blind to God’s provision and will always have you looking in the wrong direction. It cannot see what faith can. In particular, unbelief limits us to a singular resource, which is this natural world. As such, elitist proposals can only lean toward conservation!
Conservation has its place but has become the pointless rhetoric for leaders bereft of solutions. Still, this is their panacea (answer to everything). Unfortunately for them, it only fits if we are dealing with finite resources, which is exactly the point. Faith taps into an endless reserve of knowledge and wisdom—more than enough to fuel humanity’s needs.
Without visionary faith we are drinking from a barrel, a finite source instead of an infinite river. This is the essential problem facing those who do not know God. They cannot but think in terms of a ‘chicken little’ and a falling sky. To them only what can be seen is available, which is a diminishing supply.
The Elites Antiquated Arguments
For the young, this may look like a new problem – a crisis worth protesting, demanding drastic and immediate action for the sake of the world. But these same tired notions have been around for centuries. Intellectuals, so-called, have been proposing crises for a very very long time.
Their solutions are equally as antiquated. Summarized by a phrase from Charles Dickens, they amount to incentivizing death and reducing the ‘surplus population of the earth’. Something the famous author not only disagreed with but took aim at in writing ‘A Christmas Carol’, which was published in 1848. The full story can be read in a 2013 Forbes article. Still, the sentiment conveyed in this ragged Scrooge-like philosophy presents today as though it were a novel fresh proposal.
Hardly appropriate for a plan already over a century and a half old. Think about it! The book was written over 150 years ago when the population of the earth was a sliver of what it is today. There were only 2 billion people on the earth in the 1920’s, and Dickens was around 70 years before then. A startling fresh idea in the face of a new crisis it is not! But for those locked in fear and unbelief, reduction always rings in their ears like truth and so is their favored option.
The point we are making is that the gospel of fear, preached for centuries, cannot be trusted. To suggest our current situation is a new threat is laughable. Pessimists have with dread, cowered for generations without results. Yet these kinds of proposals continue to pass as plausible innovations for every civilization facing a ‘crisis’. How absurd in the light of our continued existence.
All of which suggests better alternatives are always over the horizon. Alternatives however are only available to those who believe. Call it the faith advantage.
Only Two Playbooks
For the Christian, it is easy to anticipate the response of fear. We understand that this universe only has two playbooks: One belongs to God and the other to the kingdom of darkness. While one is tethered to Life, the other is irrevocably aligned with death. If we are not playing from God’s book, we are predictably drawing from the other.
So let’s consider the substance of these supposed genius proposals. When they say ‘population reduction’, what do they really mean? They literally mean death, as their vision is a cull of the human population. Whatever language they use, it is always code for killing people—a euphemism to hide an intention they cannot yet make public. The price for these kinds of solutions will always be paid in human lives.
This is what God made clear to Adam in the very beginning. He told Adam death would follow if His guidelines were ignored.
“And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, ‘Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.’”
— Genesis 2:16-17
Of course, we know what happened, they disobeyed and released a deluge of death cascading upon all creation. Today this continues to be the consequence of leaving the wisdom of God. Even so, mankind remains locked into twisted and confined reasoning. With hubris so thick it creates its reality, these blinded pawns cannot even discern their confinement.
This is the snare which seems to have captured Global Elitists. They fail to realize that when you turn from the Living God death becomes inevitable. Death, both spiritual and natural is the only possible outcome after our departure from Life. So when the ‘Lords of the New Age’ spout their so-called enlightened insights, know that they really only have one direction from which to choose.
The Snare
The apostle Paul described their imprisonment well as He prescribed the conditions for their emancipation.
“ that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.”
— 2 Timothy 2:26
Coming to their senses and escaping the snare of the devil is the only hope for healing nations. Without God, they are captives, powerless to resist Satan’s will. Truly, as Jesus famously said of the elites in His day, they are the offspring of the same lurid oppressor of mankind.
In the grasp of a spirit they cannot comprehend, they hypnotically march to its tune. As such, everything they touch will trend downward. Since putting others out of their misery, is the only ‘mercy’ they know, death will always be their prescription. Scattered throughout the fabric of their enlightened strategies are nothing more than different forms of the same thing. This is why abortion, infanticide, genocide of the aged, the infirm and the unproductive, will always be part of their plan.
Worse yet, they believe themselves to be the only lucid realists among us. Priding themselves for having the courage to embrace what, in their minds, ‘must be done’, they pompously parade as guides to the blind. Little do they realize this thought was conceived in the heart and mind of Satan. In the end, their solution will always be less of us, but probably not less of them!
Real Answers
The point of this article is to say ‘there is a Global Elite agenda to be boldly resisted.’ But particularly, as Christians, we need to stop being intimidated or impressed by these people. Just like Satan who appears as an angel of light, these possess a seductive shimmering quality of attraction, powered by delusions.
The thin veil of wisdom purportedly carried by Global Elitists parading the halls of power is nothing more than a sophisticated version of make-believe. They possess neither substance nor virtue worthy of admiration. Real solutions for real people begin with faith. Dear Christian, it is time to boldly declare yours.
Though to the proud, faith is a pointless ceremony, the genuine and authentic expression is far more than fabled optimism. It is the cornerstone for all that is good. Far from being inconsequential to the needs of mankind, faith strikes at the heart of all crises.
While God in heaven can ‘open his hand and satisfy the needs of every living thing’ (Psalm 145:16), pride and unbelief leave us writhing in the dust for solutions. Eventually, limited as we are without Him, the options become catastrophic! With extremely limited alternatives the favourite go-to is always ‘reducing the surplus population of the earth’. In other words... control! control! control!
Don’t be duped or intimidated by the false prophets of the New Age, they are entirely lost and without answers. Like their compatriots from 2000 years ago, whom they mirror, they provide little more than an entertaining distraction. If only they were a carnival act. The jig is up! They put on a good show but to be clear, global elitists are still entirely out of their league.