Blessed are the Peacemakers

Jesus declared this penetrating truth as part of the Sermon on the Mount. Unfortunately, a skewed interpretation of peacemakers has given rise to a variety of impotent expressions throughout church history. Yet to come is a version that will harness the power residing in peace, able to suppress lawlessness and war. That version is on the near horizon and is especially needed for such a time as this! Blessed are the Peacemakers!

Power in Peace

It may surprise some to hear of the power resident in peace. God's idea of peace is not that pale, spineless version political compromisers are fond of parading. Peace is an offensive weapon able to subjugate Satan’s worst. For the most part, we have only tasted an ineffective placebo. Yet, it is the God of Peace that was promised to ‘soon crush Satan under our feet’.

“And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.”

— Romans 16:20

All things considered, this is a phenomenal promise! The fact it was directed to Christians in Rome should not be lost on us. As the very epicenter of an empire devoted to the violent subjection of the world, the phrase gains added meaning. In Rome, they knew what it meant to crush an enemy. The imagery holds an odd dichotomy.

Peace and crushing do not naturally go together. Even in a sentence, the one does not normally follow the other and I have yet to hear the phrase ‘crushing peace’. Yet the contradictory language is not accidental, since peace is not a defensive barrier, but an offensive weapon.

Peace Subjugates Darkness

Peace is a power able to muffle principalities. There is something about peace that seamlessly unhinges the incendiary ravings of darkness. The people of God must learn it. Jesus understood this and used that weapon repeatedly. Most notably when He calmed the sea.

“Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Peace, be still!’ And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.” — Mark 4:39

Jesus used the power of peace to suppress the incitement of darkness. In addition, the choice of language suggests another critical nuance. It speaks to the intent and purpose of peace as an instrument of warfare. He commands stillness.

The word used in this phrase means to muzzle... as in muzzling a beast! Jesus was effectively saying, ‘Be still. Shut up! Be quiet.’ He was not addressing the wind any more than a warrior in combat fights a sword. He addressed an entity! There are always personalities behind the veil of circumstances.

Mirroring His approach to the storm He commanded demonic spirits (Mark 1:25). He told them to stop speaking, effectively like putting a muzzle on a demonic beast. This is the power of Peace to paralyze and neutralize the ravings of those forces bent on our destruction.

Testimony of Peace

At this moment the body of Christ is in great need of this kind of authority. The kind with the power to create spiritual calm. It is available to those who seek and those who believe and I was fortunate enough to stumble on it years ago.

It began as an observation in the early years of the Edmonton Oilers dynasty.  I happened to be in the Edmonton core the night they first won the Stanley Cup. Entering a movie theatre, I noticed the roads barricaded for the celebration and two men jumping joyfully with a tinfoil trophy. 

Two hours later when I emerged there were thousands. In addition, there was a peculiar energy which alerted my spirit. In my ignorance I left thinking nothing more of it, only to later discover how the whole thing escalated into a riot, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage. 

A few years later while attending the last game football game of the season for the BC Lions something familiar occurred. At the beginning of the 4th quarter, the crowd began to become unruly with people running across the field. I felt the same energy and discerned a spirit was attempting to manifest.

Eventually, the field was evacuated as the officials began to lose control. I decided to pray and speak peace. Like a dissipating whirlwind, the turmoil slowed and evaporated. It was gone within minutes and the game was restored. What if there is power in peace beyond what we know?

Called to Dominion

But we do not know and so peacemaking is a rarity. Yet it is the inheritance and domain of the sons of God. It’s more than an absence of conflict, it is a commodity! Peace is not the sum of circumstances, it is a literal spiritual substance flowing from heaven.

Like most of heaven’s wares, it has the power to create. God’s power always succeeds in making something from nothing. The Holy Spirit is imploring us to rise to our destiny and declare with assurance, “Let Your Kingdom come, Let Your will be done!”

God is calling us to move into a new era of authority and dominion. To this we were called from the very beginning, to subdue and to have dominion!

“Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’”

— Genesis 1:28

Church!  This is your hour.

Church Arise

If there was ever a time when the voice of Peace was needed, it is now. More than the shallow sentiments mused about by pageant contestants, peace is an underrated resource. Even now the surging desire for Peace bubbles in my spirit as the hope of our destiny is renewed.

Even how Jesus entered the world testifies to this truth. The angel said, 'Peace and goodwill!' This is what we are empowered to bring.

Yes, there is a process, but beyond a shadow of a doubt, you need to know who you and and what you are called to do on Earth. Whether in your own heart, in your family or in your city and nation, the release of Peace is your prerogative, right and responsibility. So lift your voice and declare to the airwaves, ‘Peace, be still in the mighty name of Jesus!’


Vengeance is Mine


The Mother of All Conspiracy Theories