A Corporate Esther
An Unusual People are Arising!
God is calling for a Corporate Esther. A Corporate Esther can change a nation by touching God’s heart. The story of Esther maps a profound path leading to national justice and the unravelling of a sinister plot against the Jewish people. It is a prophetic template for our day.
A Diabolical Plan
The story of Esther unfolds at a dire moment. In her obedience and humility, Esther plots a strategic course activating the administrative rule of heaven. Today, there is an emerging army of believers collectively giving themselves to a similar strategy. More than victory, they will experience the immense beauty of their glorious God. They are a ‘Corporate Esther’.
Our story evolves in a moment when the very existence of the Jews was being threatened by a diabolical plan. Envy has once again focused the enemies of God toward the cause of annihilating His people. Central to the narrative is Haman, a man with murderous ambition. He is not acting alone, being merely the present host through which Satan’s demonic intent is galvanizing. Strangely enough this story has played out more than once in history. Still, the outcome serves the purpose of God in astounding ways.
The threat hanging over the Jews is a spiritual one, as their adversary is the same as ours today. Like the Jews of that era, the Church is surrounded by sinister plans for it’s destruction. What we need is divine favour and action from heaven. Let’s pay more careful attention to Esther’s strategy.
The first stage, when she is alerted to the plot, is to immediately call for a fast. Despite her position in the palace, she knew the fires of persecution would eventually engulf her. Similarly, there can be no illusion of ease for any part of the Church today, no matter where we are. As the Jews then, we are currently facing an existential threat calling for our demise. While it may not be at our doorstep, no one is safe. Esther acted – as must we!
Divine Strategy
It is not clear how Esther came to the conclusion, but she knew what she must do. Without invitation, she presents herself before the king on penalty of death (Esther 4:11). Apparently marriage was not a guarantee of intimacy as access to the king was strictly controlled. Yet, she comes dressed in her royal robes. At this point, the king extends his golden sceptre offering her seemingly everything she wanted.
And the king said to her, ‘What do you wish, Queen Esther? What is your request? It shall be given to you—up to half the kingdom!’
Esther 5:3
Despite the offer, she did not present her petition. She made no plea nor hint at her dilemma. Rather, she engaged the king in a series of events in order to fully open his heart. Diverting her focus away from her plight she plunged headlong to instead meet his need.
She invites him to a banquet where the king again extends favour to Esther. It is the second time an offer is made. Again she deflects, preferring to simply ask both the king and Haman to attend yet another festivity the next day. What Esther was doing is not only brilliant, it was part of an already establish Biblical pattern. She was following a template revealing a key requirement for God’s kingdom order.
Governmental Order
The core principle involves a question of order. By ‘order’ we mean ‘who will be put first?’ If you read carefully the words of Jesus you can find this message distinctly in His words.
Consider this:
Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?
Matthew 6:25
For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Matthew 6:32-33
What is He saying? Despite what might be your need, ‘seek me first!’ The solution for our needs is found in the command saying, ’seek first the kingdom of God’ (6:33). More than a statement, it is a precept for the release of the heart of God toward us. Jesus is giving us the antidote for a literal landslide of His blessing. The pursuit of God is the key to everything within Him. Esther was doing the same thing with her king. Rather than focus on her need she paid attention to his. Let’s return to our story.
Kingdom Administration
Something mysterious happens between the first and second banquet. Her obedience awoke the wheels of heavenly justice, unlocking a magical move behind the scenes. Then God disturbed the king’s sleep; the machinery of heaven was fully engaged. One can only imagine the furious traffic of angelic beings, hastening to do His bidding. In the natural, unable to rest, the king had the book of records read before him, where he was reminded of the debt owed to a Jewish man Mordecai – Esther’s cousin. This event became a turning point. Suddenly the plan to destroy the Jews began to unravel. We should know the story from here.
When the final banquet unfolded and Esther poured out her heart, she had the full attention of the king. She could have presented her petition on day one, or during the 1st banquet. After all she was offered a request up to half of the kingdom on two occasions. However, Esther was not content with the low hanging fruit of answered petitions, instead she chose to touch the king’s heart. Likewise a Corporate Esther is not preoccupied with need but with Him. A corporate Esther reaches for the heart of God.
The Mature Church
A lesser woman would have stumbled awkwardly grabbing the very first opportunity to voice her request. Similarly an immature church is impatiently preoccupied with her own needs. Yet, according to Jesus we are called ‘to seek God and His righteousness’ at which point, ‘all these things will be added unto us’. This priority uncovers the right order of the Kingdom. It is a door which when opened will release the full majesty of our God. As the sun soaks the earth in its life giving energy, the unfurled heart of God will bless the earth.
A people who know this will bathe God in the wine of love and adore Him ceaselessly, until He is fully satiated. When we do this, His heart opens and the full measure of His goodness begins to pour out. Then He will make streams in the desert; the impossible is suddenly not only made possible, even unavoidable.
Unlocking More
It has always been the intent of God is to unlock His goodness on us, a truth reflected in the message at Christ’s birth… ‘peace and goodwill to men’. After all He can ‘open His hand and satisfy the need of every living thing’ (Psalm 145:16). Even in nations where tyranny rules His arm is not too short to save. What is needed is a high level administration of the Kingdom of God. Then, with the Corporate Esther doing what it can, directing the minds and hearts of men is virtually automatic. After all…
“The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.” – Proverbs 21:1
We are entering a day when the people of God will be that collective Esther. They will rise to bless the heart of God in a way that sees Him pour Himself out on the earth. The Corporate Esther’s posture unlocks a level of heaven’s atmosphere able to shift nations and governments into serving His desire. Kings and princes will be awakened in the night as divine order comes to scenarios far removed from our reach. This is the power of a Corporate Esther.
‘Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things… all these things… all these things, will be added to us.’